Getting Started

  1. Please download and install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or JDK version 1.6.0 or newer for your specific platform and operating system.
  2. Then Download Maltcms and follow the installation instructions.

Installation Instructions

Maltcms currently has no automatic installation script. In order to set everything up correctly, please follow the instructions for your operating system.


Extract the downloaded zip archive to a directory of your choice. In order to have available on your command prompt, set the following in your $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bashrc (or in any other appropriate shell configuration file)


Maltcms can be launched via the script in its home directory. This will use the java executable available via the environment variable JAVA_HOME. Otherwise, the script will try to find the location of your java installation by checking some preconfigured locations. In case of failure, simply add a file "javahome" to the directory in which maltcms.jar is located, consisting of one line holding the absolute path to your JRE.

The scripts will prompt for the installation directory of Maltcms, if you call Maltcms from outside the installation directory and the environment variable MALTCMSDIR is not set. We recommend to add

export MALTCMSDIR=/path/to/your/maltcms/

to your $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile file. Alternatively, simply overwrite the environment variable within to set it to a fixed location.


Extract the downloaded zip archive to a directory of your choice. In order to have maltcms.bat available on your command prompt, please follow these instructions:

From your windows desktop, right-click 'My Computer' and select the 'Properties' button. Then, within the 'System Properties' window, navigate to the 'Advanced' tab and select 'Environment Variables'. In the new dialog 'Environment Variables', go to the 'Path' variable in the 'System Variables' section and hit the 'Edit' button. Add the absolute path of the Maltcms directory to the end of the 'Variable value' like so:


C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32


C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32;C:\Path\To\Maltcms

Click 'OK' will close the dialog and set the variable. If you now startup a new session of the Command Prompt, maltcms.bat should be available as a command.

The script will prompt for the installation directory of maltcms, if you call Maltcms from outside the installation directory and the environment variable MALTCMSDIR is not set. We recommend to add 'MALTCMSDIR' as an additional 'System Variable', by defining a new variable in the 'Environment Variables' dialog under 'User variables' with the name 'MALTCMSDIR' and the absolute path of the Maltcms installation directory as its value.

Running Maltcms

The following section requires a command prompt (shell), indicated by the prefixed '>', which should not be typed into the prompt.

You can start the 32 bit commandline version by typing

>java -jar maltcms.jar

within the basedir of Maltcms, which will print out the input options that you can supply.

Alternatively, on a 64 bit system and with 64 bit VM you can call

>java -d64 -jar maltcms.jar

Sometimes, the default amount of memory used by the JAVA VM is not sufficient. You can then call

>java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar maltcms.jar

where -Xms1G sets the minimum amount of memory used by the VM to 1GByte of Ram and -Xmx2G sets the limit of the maximum amount of memory available to maltcms to 2GBytes. If you have more RAM installed, you can always increase the latter limit.

If you use java on a 32 bit architecture and a 32 bit VM, more than 2G might not be available. Using java on 64 bit architectures and with a 64 bit VM allows larger amounts of memory to be allocated.

In order to define custom properties, you need to pass the -c argument to Maltcms:

>java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar maltcms.jar -c -i <INPUTDIR> -o <OUTPUTDIR> \
 -f <FILES>

will use the file '' from the current directory.

Recommended arguments for Maltcms are:

-i <INPUTDIR> (e.g. /vol/data)
-o <OUTPUTDIR> (e.g. /vol/output)
-f <FILES> (e.g. "*.cdf")

If no INPUTDIR is given, FILES are resolved against the current working directory. If no OUTPUTDIR is given, processing results will be created below the current working directory in a directory following the convention 'USERNAME/DATETIME/'.

In order to recurse into the INPUTDIR, you can add '-r' to the command line. As an alternative to defining the input directory explicitly and using a file glob expression (only *.EXT expressions will currently work), you can also define a comma separated list of absolute or relative file paths. Relative paths are resolved from the current working directory. Please note that paths containing spaces can only be handled, if the whole argument (all paths separated by commas) is flanked in '"'s.

Running ChromA/ChromA4D

ChromA: To execute the standard pipeline for GC- and LC-MS, use

>java -jar maltcms.jar -c cfg/ -i <INPUTDIR> -o <OUTPUTDIR> -f <FILES>

ChromA4D: To execute the available pipelines for GCxGC-MS, use

>java -jar maltcms.jar -c cfg/ -i <INPUTDIR> -o <OUTPUTDIR> -f <FILES>

If you do not supply any arguments, Maltcms will print all available arguments with a short explanation.

> -- -h

prints command-line options for the script with explanations.

Other Features

Graphical Wizard UI

As of version 1.1 of Maltcms, the graphical wizard is no longer supported.

Extending Maltcms with custom code

Maltcms allows to add functionality by adding custom jar files to the runtime classpath.

The classpath in maltcms.jar is created at build time and will not contain those jars, so you need to add them manually to the runtime classpath with the '-cp' option supplied to java, or by using the '' script, which will pick these up automatically.

Scripting with Groovy

To simply use Maltcms in a higher level workflow, you can easily write scripts in the Groovy programming language. These scripts can be executed using the '' shell script, or by calling

java -cp maltcms.jar groovy.lang.GroovyShell path/to/script.groovy <ARGS>

from the Maltcms installation base directory, where ARGS are optional parameters to your script.

Input data formats

Currently, netCDF compatible input and output is supported, mzXML input works reliably for MS1 data, output is currently redirected to netCDF format. Additionally, mzData is supported as input format, but again, output is redirected to netCDF format. Recently, read support for mzML has been added via the jmzml library.

To get some insight into the parameters used by Maltcms and possible alternatives, consult the properties files in cfg/, especially * * *

Properties and settings for individual commands in a processing pipeline are located in the respective xml file below cfg/xml/.

Custom configuration files can be provided to, as well as to maltcms.jar using the -c option. Those custom options then override the default values.

Example data

Example data for maltcms in netcdf format along with alignment anchors can be downloaded individually from here.

Alternatively, 1D and 2D chromatogram data can be downloaded here.

File format for Anchors

Anchor files start with a file designation in their first line: Path can be omitted, if ORIGINAL_DATA_FILE and anchor file are both located in input base directory (cmdline option -i). Otherwise, the absolute path to the original file has to be given.


The second line defines the column names:

Name    RI      RT      Scan

All following lines contain information for one anchor each:

RI1     -       -       230
RI2     -       -       430


Note that columns RI and RT are optional, Scan and Name are required. Anchor names should be identical for matched compounds.

Full example

File Example1.txt would look like this:

Name    RI      RT      Scan
RI1     -       -       230
RI2     -       -       430
RI3     -       -       600

File Example2.txt would look like this:

Name    RI      RT      Scan
RI1     -       -       234
RI2     -       -       437
RI3     -       -       598