License Information


This page does not give authoritative legal advice, neither explicit nor implied, on any licensing issues.

Versions 1.3+

Starting from release version 1.3, the sourcecode of Maltcms (which includes ChromA and ChromA4D) is dual-licensed under the

If you use Maltcms, you may choose which of these two licenses will apply to it. Both licenses are approved OpenSource licenses.

Please read the terms and conditions of either license carefully before making your decision.

If you plan to use Maltcms in the context of Eclipse, you should use the EPL-licensed version of Maltcms, as there exist known incompatibilities between EPL and L-GPL.

For other use-cases, the L-GPL v3 may be sufficient.

Versions prior to 1.3

For release versions prior to 1.3 (1.2, 1.1, ...), the sourcecode of Maltcms (which includes ChromA and ChromA4D) is licensed exclusively under the

Changed on 2014-10-17 by Nils Hoffmann